venerdì 31 ottobre 2008
Nikola Tesla
Mi domando perchè, in tutti gli anni di scuola che ho fatto, io non abbia mai sentito parlare di questo grandioso scienziato croato del secolo scorso! Fu inventore di tantissime cose che tutt'oggi utilizziamo e, tra l'altro, ebbe una morte misteriosa che fa pensare che avesse veramente scoperto un'altra cosa spettacolare (o disatrosa)....perchè l'FBI tiene ancora segrete le sue ultime carte? Inoltre, povero Tesla, fu lui il vero inventore della Radio...Marconi non fece che continuare i suoi studi. Almeno questo è quanto è emerso dalla puntata di Mercoledi 29 ottobre di Voyager. La mia domanda è semplicemente "perchè a scuola non mi è stato mai nemmeno nominato?".
Forse dovrei guardarmi il film "Il segreto di Nikola Tesla". E lo consiglio. Devo dire che quel servizio ha attirato la mia attenzione. Perchè qualcuno venga paragonato a Leonardo da Vinci deve veramente avere qualcosa di speciale...
martedì 9 settembre 2008
my creations
In this period I have discovered a new hobby and here I put the pictures of some creations of mines. It is easy and fast and you can create wonderful things only with a bit of fantasy and patience. I hope you like them!
sabato 9 agosto 2008
back home
Hi guys!
The week with my ladybirds (scouts) is over and now it's time to see the photos and to reflect on this experience...
here you find some photos of the staff in "the Lion King version" and me, in particular, transformed in Rakifi. Do you like it? children were really nice with their dresses of animals of the savannah: zebras, crocodiles, Panteras, monkeys, giraffes...and one Nandù! This wonderful film gave us the possibilities to live incredibles adventures and strong emotions and, as scout, I advice to use it as theme for other expeiences. It is full of values and positive images and it contributes to create a wonderful clima among "the animals of the savannah"!
thank you to every body!!!
giovedì 3 luglio 2008
Vacanze di cerchio 2008
L'estate avanza....gli esami quasi quasi finiscono e tu pensi di essere in vacanza...chiudi gli occhi e sogni il mare all'improvviso SOBBALZI! no, prima del mare c'è un altro evento, ancora un bel po' da organizzare e soprattutto un'occasione di tutto fuorchè di relax.....
Il campo estivo! o, per meglio dire, le "vacanze" si cerchio...già, per loro vacanze! Comunque, la nostra destinazione quest'anno sarà Baone (Pd) e qui c'è il link della casa . La casa è decisamente confortevole e la consiglio per altre vacanze di cerchio/branco. In ogni caso dettagli migliori li potrò fornire solo dal 3 agosto e quindi da quando sarò tornata.
Il tema del campo ques'anno sarà il mitico, grande e sempre di moda "IL RE LEONE"! non vedo l'ora! Io sarò, vista la mia enesorabile saggezza ( ;) ) Rafiki, il babbuino! Ma anche Sasu.. mi sdoppio.
A presto per le foto!
mercoledì 2 luglio 2008
Summer 2008: Vive la France!
Quest'estate le vacanze si prospettano...come dire... ... ... lussuose!
Andremo infatti in una bellissima villa (Villa Maeva) a Roquefort les Pins in costa azzurra. La cosa più strabiliante è la casa:
Vi consiglio di guardare le foto perchè resterete a bocca aperta!
Certo, peccato che manchi la piscina ma accontenteremo.
In ogni caso, consiglio per le vostre vacanze, di consultare questo ottimo sito perchè è veramente ben fatto e si trovano buone occasioni e case splendide (per lo più di gente che, mentre va in vacanza, affitta la loro casa).
Buone vacanze!
ps: si, non avevo voglia di scrivere in inglese questa volta..
martedì 24 giugno 2008
ubuntu: more than one word
Here you find the video which shows you the idea of Ubuntu:
Follow my advice: forget Microsoft and enter in the Linux word!
martedì 20 maggio 2008
My English Literature course
venerdì 16 maggio 2008
The course is over...some reflections:
Skype gave me the possibility to speak with an American girl, Corina, and I appreciated this possibility because, speaking with her, I discovered something new about American lifestyle and University life. I was very interested in her kind of life and we indeed spent lot of time taking about this kind of topic. I also liked serching information about American healthcare system because it was a new topic for me. The converstions were very pleasant and funny and we have never had misunderstandings or unconfortable situations. I discovered something new about American lifestyle and university life and, as far as our wikipage is concerned, I was happy to improve my knowledge about American healthcare system because we always think that it has no problems but actually it has.
The second part of the questionnaire was entitled "A self assesment of my Intercultural experience": with my peer Corina I talked about her lifestyle, healthcare system and immigration. These topics helped me in changing my point of view because it is not always easy to understand a different cultural situation if you only have your personal experience in mind. Moreover, while I searched for iformation on the oilitical campaign I was surprised by their way of "living" politics because it is very different from our way of seeing and interacting with it: this aspect helped me to change my point of view.
The third part of the questionnaire was "Self-assesment of my language learning": through this exchange I learned some particular words and expression linked with the specific field of healthcare and I surely improved my oral skills: it was not always easy to understand Corina and, on the other hand, I can say that it has been the first time in five University years, that I had the opportunity to speak with a native speaker so directly, so it was a really good experience for my speaking skills. Moreover, I learned how to speak Italian with a non-native speaker. The wiki give me the possibility to read many articles and essays about heathcare and I can say that, through this project I improved my reading and writing skills as well.
This is the end of the course...a long and interesting course which made me learn lots of useful things, not only from a linguistic point of view but also from a technological and cultural one. I want to thank all my peers and my teacher for this course and, even if it gives me only 3 credits, I think it has been very useful.
See you!!
venerdì 18 aprile 2008
I love Skype!
This week I used for the first time Skype! What an experience!! I really love it! I spoke with an American student, Corine, for more or less one hour and I really enjoyed it! It is easy and fast and the best thing is that you do not pay! After this conversation, I’ve downloaded Skype at home and now I use Skype to speak with my friends too! I liked speaking with Corine because, even if we didn’t know each other, we spoke without problems and we discovered something new and interesting about our culture. Our discourse was supposed to be on the immigration and on the topic for our final project, and actually it was. But we also spoke about us, our life and our interests so now I can say that we know something more about eachother. It was a nice conversation! This tool is really useful and I think I will use it even more in the future!
lunedì 14 aprile 2008
Italy and USA compared
This week I have to think about an issue that I would like to analyze both from Italian and American point of view. More specifically, I have to compare the situation about this theme in these two countries. Well, I say that there is an aspect which I'm very interested in because it is a bit complicated and I've not so much information about. I'm speaking about health care system.
In Italy the situation about health care system is ot so good and it is one of the most debated issues of this period. However, I've not a so clear idea of how it is structured and organized. Moreover, I think that the situation that TV presents to us is not so right.
As far as USA are concerned, I really don't have good information about health care system: the only think that I know is that in America "only who has money can be healed" which is the general idea that Italian people have. However, I don't think this is right and so, I wont to know something more specific about it!!
that's all!
domenica 30 marzo 2008
What is going on with the elections...
In Italy political elections are closer and closer and the situation is really sad: politicians continue to accuse the others and they rarely speak about serious problems. The main discussions of these last days is the “problem” whether to participate or not to TV programs…sometimes they seem to behave worse than children. Another important discussion of these days is the situation of Alitalia and I really hate it because they use it for their campaign (all the candidates) and I’m sure that, as soon as elections are finished, no one will speak f Alitalia with all this interest. Moreover, the situation of this company is not a surprise: it is in these conditions from a lot of time, but they seem to have discovered this problem only now. They only think to their personal interests.
As far as American elections are concerned, all newspaper talk about them with the same intensity and the main battle is still between Clinton and Obama. The discussions are about war and the problem of race. I think here the situation is more or less the same because elections are not so near as they are in Italy.
domenica 16 marzo 2008
Elections from the point of view of United Kingdom, Germany and France
The goal of Intercultural competence implies the idea of understanding the differences and similarities among a number of countries, not only between U.S.A and Italy. For this reason, I’ve looked for different points of view and ways to present the topic of Italian and American elections in three foreign newspapers (in their online version): The Times, Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung and Le Figaro. In this way I wanted to compare the importance given by European countries to this two elections and I admit that I didn’t like so much the result! I discovered indeed that these three newspapers don’t give importance to Italian political situation while they give a lot of space to the American elections. I admit that this is quite comprehensible because U.S.A has an important role for all the world while Italy a is not so important, but I thought that they give importance to Italian elections because it is an European country. I was wrong!
The French newspaper Le Figaro has a special section called “élections USA 2008” through which you arrive on a web page with a number of information, videos, surveys and so on but you can find it under “international”. The German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has a special section, too under “Politics”. It calls “Wahl in America” and here you find a table with the primaries’ results and a lot of other information. In the English The Times, under “World news”, there are sections called “US elections” and I found only one article about the fight between Berlusconi and Veltroni. In Le Figaro the latest article about Italy regards the decision of Prodi to leave Politics and it is dated 03-11-2008.
As far as images are concerned I noticed that Le Figaro and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung have an image for each article, while The Times has an image only for the first article of the page, while many of the others have not. All these three newspapers use the same kind of images that is the faces of the candidates: obviously it is quite normal in political campaigns because people have to know the candidate and it is thus important their face.
domenica 9 marzo 2008
Second semester...let's start!
I’ve listened carefully to many videos of their discourses and I’ve noticed some similarities and some peculiarities of these two politicians. As far as their behaviour and attitude are concerned, they both give the idea to be sure of their selves and they tend to speak with loud voice and to articulate words clearly, highlighting some of them with pauses, a louder voice and going slower. Berlusconi uses more hand gestures than McCain and they both are serious while they speak about their program and smiling while they speak about the future.
McCain has the purposes to cut wasteful spending and to keep taxes low but in his discourses he also promises more security by fighting Islamic terrorism, more economic development and changes. He tends to give importance to the value of nation and he often repeat the words proud, free, safe. I think he counts on the sense of nationality that is typical of Americans. For example he uses sentences as “we are American” or “we can, we must, we will”. He also speak about Iraq war but he doesn’t gives so much importance to the situation of the families such as Berlusconi do. It’s important to notice that there are some important men who endorse him such as Bush and Giuliani.
I’ve noticed that he often uses the word “fight” and “challenge” that is a military language.
Berlusconi proposes more development for the world of work, more production and thus more economic development (such as McCain). He also promises to help young people and families that are two big problems of Italy in this period. He tends to begin his speeches by accusing the other political wing and than he proposes his program. Such as McCain, he wants to cut wasteful spending of the state, to cut taxes and to assure more security (in this case not against Islamic terrorism but against immigration).
In general I can say that while McCain counts not only on his program but also on his personality and on his values , Berlusconi doesn’t give much importance to his personal history or values but he focalizes his attention on what he wants to better in Italy. I think the explanation for this difference is the fact that Italians have no more confidence on the Italian politicians, while Americans have.