venerdì 18 aprile 2008

I love Skype!

Hi guys!

This week I used for the first time Skype! What an experience!! I really love it! I spoke with an American student, Corine, for more or less one hour and I really enjoyed it! It is easy and fast and the best thing is that you do not pay! After this conversation, I’ve downloaded Skype at home and now I use Skype to speak with my friends too! I liked speaking with Corine because, even if we didn’t know each other, we spoke without problems and we discovered something new and interesting about our culture. Our discourse was supposed to be on the immigration and on the topic for our final project, and actually it was. But we also spoke about us, our life and our interests so now I can say that we know something more about eachother. It was a nice conversation! This tool is really useful and I think I will use it even more in the future!
Bye bye!

lunedì 14 aprile 2008

Italy and USA compared

Hello everybody!

This week I have to think about an issue that I would like to analyze both from Italian and American point of view. More specifically, I have to compare the situation about this theme in these two countries. Well, I say that there is an aspect which I'm very interested in because it is a bit complicated and I've not so much information about. I'm speaking about health care system.

In Italy the situation about health care system is ot so good and it is one of the most debated issues of this period. However, I've not a so clear idea of how it is structured and organized. Moreover, I think that the situation that TV presents to us is not so right.

As far as USA are concerned, I really don't have good information about health care system: the only think that I know is that in America "only who has money can be healed" which is the general idea that Italian people have. However, I don't think this is right and so, I wont to know something more specific about it!!

that's all!