When I have to search something on the Web for academic purposes, such as writing an essay or similar, I'm usually a bit sceptical about what I find because on the Internet there are too many things, to many authors, too many articles, too many ideas! The problem - but also the beautiful aspect of the Internet - is that anyone can publish or write something and the reader cannot easily understand if the information is trustworthy or not. If one day someone want to frighten all the world with an invented information, he/she has just to write something on a Web site!!! The same is for the information we search: are they serious or not?
Usually, when I look for information on the Web I check the author of the site: if it is an association, a well known personality or just someone unknown. I admit that the look of the site influences my idea about its seriousness. If I see a well structured site and, on the other hand, a simple and not accurate page, I choose the first one. I don't usually loom if the author is clearly shown or if there is his e-mail. Sometimes I look at the last up-date of the page, but not always.
The sites which I visited on this topic gave me some interesting points on which I should think the next time I'm looking for something on the Web.
For example, I had never thought to the possibility of looking at the Document Uniform Resource Locator (URL), including an institutional identifier. Moreover, I had never looked if there is a bibliography or if there is the indication of the source of the information. Another interesting point I had never thought about is what the purpose of the site is, or who the audience intended is. I think these are important things because we have to have a critical eye before to accept everything from the Web.
I found this site http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/Evaluate.html which I think interesting and it contains, on its URL ".edu" so it indicates that it is an educational institution. Try to have a look at it!!