martedì 13 novembre 2007

Every week we discover a new technology! Last week we used an online bookmarker, Actually, it is a social bookmarker because, thanks to this site, you can not only see always (if you are not using your pc) your favourite sites or blogs, but it also gives you the possibility to share with other people them and to see other person's preferences. So, you can use it as a "filter" for your researches because you see which are the most visited and "posted" sites by the other users. I like the fact that you have tags and so, when you visit another person's page, you see all the topics he is interested in. This could allow you to extend your research with other linked topics! Maybe, is not very easy to use at the beginning and, for example, for the first site I posted, I put a comma after my "key words" (tags) and so now, I have some problems with my tags (but the site explained how to correctly write! I admit that it was my error). Another problem I have with is that my descriptions are three lines long but you cannot see entirely them. I liked to see my classmates' sites because they are useful and they show how much we try to learn English!!! ;-) Moreover, I could understand some of their interests and what they like. In the future, when we will add other sites, will become a way to know each other!!

2 commenti:

Eva ha detto...

Hi Elisa!

I looked at your bookmarks and I noticed each one of your sites deals with one of the aspects of learning English; you posted sites that help you improve your listening, writing and speaking skills. I like that. I had the problem of comas, too! But I soon sorted it out. Your descriptions are very helpfull as well. I agree that the fact they are limited to a certain number of characters is a bit annoying, but people prefer short and concise descriptions bacause they want to spend as little time as possible searching.

Ok, I have to end here... See you in class!

Sarah ha detto...

Dear Elisa,

I've been using to set up a network for people attending a workshop I'm holding in Berlin in two weeks and I noticed that it doesn't always save my notes. I've written to to find out about this "bug" as it's very frustrating. I'll let you know if they write back.

Thanks for being critical too. It's always useful.
